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Review Policy

To get your book reviewed by us:

Contact: bookreviewwala[@]gmail[.]com

Just keep in mind,
  • It is not certain that we will review the book for sure. We will review the book only if we are excited by the plot.
  • There is no particular genre(s) that we are interested in. Any kind of story with good plot will do.
  • Once we have accepted to review your book, you need to ship the hard copy of the book to the reviewer yourself.
  • We do not review e-books or any other sort of electronic media.
  • The time of reviewing can't be committed. It depends on the number of books we have received for reviewing before your book. However, the book with the author's signature is given the highest priority. ;)
  • Last but not least, contact us only if you expect an honest and unbiased review of your book.

Note: We don't (yet) charge for reviewing the books. We have finally decided to charge for reviews. The tariffs and for more details contact the e-mail ID provided above.

Our reviews are posted in our blog, a part of it on GoodReads and we post reviews on online book-portals on only personal request. Other than that, we do all we could do to promote the review, rather than the book, so don't worry about it.

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