Introduction: Those were the days of my youth, of higher grade, when the uniform wasn't required to attend the higher grade.And then did the image of this revolutionary filled the ambiance, randomly one out of five pals of mine wore a T-shirt depicting the colorful,bold,rebellious image of Che Guevara.
My conjecture about him was little cheesy as every random person who depicted his image on their T-shirts,bikes ,cars etc were snobbish.
But later one of my friends told me about his adventurous trip throughout Latin America (motorcycle diaries) , I bought that book and literally rode together with CHE,his narration was captivating and couldn't resist myself from reading his whole life story.
About the author: Richard l.Harris professor of global studies at California State University–Monterey Bay, has closely studied the life of 'Ernesto' Guevara(CHE) . He was present in Bolivia ,after Ernesto's death and personally taken care to document the true facts about his death( which he mentioned in the book).The author has given an unbiased presentation of all the happenings immediately and after the death of 'Che' which were not known to many( which was also mentioned by the author).
Richard L.Harris , Has very well incorporated the important parts of Ernesto's life ,refurbished with a mild touch of literature which has added grandeur to his narrative .the author has precisely imbued the essence of Ernesto's revolutionary moments which are actually inspiring and throbbing to all those young ones of the world.
Biography of Ernesto: Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la serna known as Che Guevara is the real name of 'CHE Guevara', CHE was the title given to him which means 'hey buddy'. From his very childhood he was groomed with political ideologies by his parents. He was an voracious reader of all kinds of genre which comprised of books by Nietzsche,Marx,and many other revolutionary and famous personalities. This habit of his helped him profoundly to learn about the world.
Its surprising to read that the children in Cuba are made to byheart all his famous quotations , and they sing songs and rhymes saying that 'we want to be like che'. I was flabbergasted when I learned that Mahatma Gandhi was Che's personal hero. He liked communist ideas , but he wasn't a communist . His were anti- imperial Ideas
He was bloody adventurous that he put his medicine course to stake to carry out a trip throughout Latin america, it was then he learned about the lives of many peasants and made his basis for reforming Latin America.
His life is a story of simplicity,humbleness love and sacrifice, which strikes a chord of all the people who read it . Even when he was at a very high position as an Interior affairs officer in Cuba, he used to maintain a simple clad and was always down to earth .
What's more surprising is even after his death, his eyes were open with a plain smile on his face.
Even today Che is considered as the main political character in Cuba, where young students ,intellectuals , philosophers follow his ideas.

Ernesto's Image shimmers bright on the Interior affairs building of Cuba, which boasts his pride and victory of Cuba.
Adding to the 'CHE' was also romantic , who always had a bevy of beauties buzzing around him . Even his love letters and departing notes written to his wife ,acknowledge his romantic trait.

By this I was literally awestruck, Che's Image on Cuban currency . This clearly shows the political importance of Che in Cuba.
I would like to request all the people who learned about 'CHE' to kindly not involve in any mockery of his image . Thankyou.
Final Verdict: Overall the book was an unstoppable read.
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